“There are many different options in the market. However, finally we decided to use SWIVEL Software. SWIVEL is very positive to our client and also our company at being more productive at work, and also benefits our security procedures. We give SWIVEL Software a high recommendation.”...
Xiaofeng Li
Director - VPower Finance Security (HK) Limited
客戶評價: - 威豹金融押運護衛(香港)有限公司
“市場上有很多不同的選擇。但是, 最終我們決定使用訊譜軟件。訊譜的積極使我們的客戶以及我們公司在工作上更有效率, 同時也有利於我們的保安程序。我們強烈推薦訊譜軟件。”…
常務董事 - 威豹金融押運護衛(香港)有限公司