“In terms of operational efficiency and connectivities with our Europe offices, we’ve made tremendous improvements and significantly reduced our operation cost because we have set up a common operational system in Asia. We’re able to link with our offices in Europe and our important partners across the world.”
Nicolas Moeller
CEO, IFB International Freightbridge Ltd.
客戶評價: 國橋聯運有限公司
"透過在亞洲建立通用的營運系統, 我們在營運效率及與歐洲辦事處的聯繫方面已經取得了巨大的進步, 並顯著降低了運營成本。我們能夠與我們的歐洲辦事處以及世界各地的重要合作夥伴建立聯繫。”
Nicolas Moeller
行政總裁, 國橋聯運有限公司